Great Precision at Low Volumes

"I found that the LYD 7 offers great precision at low volumes. Basically, I missed no details in the sound compared to when listening at loud volumes."

MusicOff in Italy reviewed LYD 7 and we were very pleased to learn that they specifically tested the speakers at low volumes and found that they delivered perfectly. They also methodically listened to reference recordings, including unique recordings that they conducted themselves at 24-bit / 88.1kHz and 24-bit / 96kHz. They also set a rule for themselves not to discuss the sound until the end of the detailed listening session in order to prevent any first-impression comments to influence on the overall evaluation. 

The review is in Italian, of course, but here is a short, translated excerpt - and if you are comfortable with the Italian language, there is a link to the full review at the bottom of this page.

"We found that this monitor allowed us to clearly hear our mix choices, even when using only the most basic tools, and they did so without causing listening fatigue. The balance between the driver and the tweeter, even considering the high crossover frequency, leaves us with no doubt that the woofer is able to reproduce the fundamental frequencies of most acoustic instruments and voices with great precision.

Personally,. I prefer to work at low volumes, and I found that the LYD 7 offers great precision at low volumes. Basically, I missed no details in the sound compared to when listening at loud volumes."

- Francesco Passarelli (MusicOff)