Extremely Natural and Organic Vocals on LYD 7

Recording Magazine in the US hooked up a pair of LYD 7 personal reference monitors and gave them a thorough review under the title "A new line of monitors takes on the laws of physics — with musical results". They even took time to conduct measurements to see if our claim of low volume precision would prove to be true...

"My first impression of the LYD 7 was a detailed midrange with wide-open highs. I put on a few reference recordings to get the ball rolling, and was immediately drawn to its overall clarity across the entire spectrum. The clarity extends into the dreaded ‘mudrange’, which allows these monitors to point out flaws in mediocre mixes.

Continuing to use the LYD 7s after burning them in, I felt very confident in the mixes I was sending out. I felt challenged to work a little bit harder, but A/Bing final mixes on other various speaker setups showed how precisely the LYD 7 was able to translate onto other systems, particularly in the midrange. They excel at vocal clarity; I’ve noticed that voice sounds extremely natural and organic on these monitors, which has helped to dial in vocal parts and commercial VO work.




Dynaudio talks about the LYD series’ ability to remain accurate and consistent at all listening levels, particularly low levels. Rather than just giving my subjective two cents on this matter, I wanted to put this to the test. (...) No subjectivity here—you can see on the spectrum analyzer that the response is impressively consistent throughout the range of listening levels. The LYD 7s hold their own in this matter, retaining their accuracy and detail, even at surprisingly low SPL.

Dynaudio’s LYD series is the real deal. The LYD 7 is incredibly revealing, with a very detailed midrange and wide-open highs. The internal DSP has proven its merit and flexibility, providing different tuning parameters that help compensate for a myriad of environments and listening spaces. They are a great complement to many nearfield systems, with the ability to point out flaws until the mix is dialed just right. One of the biggest takeaways for me was the seamless translation from the LYD 7 to other speaker systems, pro and consumer alike.

Once the mix sounds right on the LYD 7, it will likely sound right everywhere else, too. The bottom line is, I felt my mixes improved after using the LYD 7... these monitors challenge you to work harder, but the end result speaks for itself."


"My first impression of the LYD 7 was a detailed midrange with wide-open highs. I put on a few reference recordings to get the ball rolling, and was immediately drawn to its overall clarity across the entire spectrum."

Alex Hawley, Recording Magazine